
Hat with Ears
Animal hat
Floppy hat
baby baseball hat

Ages 7 and up
Beanie -                      $20 
Hat with ears-             $25
Animal hat-                 $30
Hipster hat/floppy hat $25
Includes up to two colors and either a pompom on top, a flower or an embroidered letter.

Ages 3-6
Beanie - $15
Hat with Ears - $18
Animal hat - $23
Floppy hat -$23
Includes up to two colors and either a pompom on top, a flower or an embroidered letter.
Ages 0-2
Beanie -$10
Hat with ears -$12
Animal Hat- $15-18
Baseball hat- $20
Includes up to two colors and either a pompom on top, a flower or an embroidered letter.